How to Use Secret TikTok Emojis

How to Use Secret TikTok Emojis

TikTok has emerged as one of the most influential social media platforms, packing a punch with its mind-boggling growth and diverse features. As an avid TikTok user, you might believe you've uncovered every aspect of this all-encompassing app. But wait until we let you in on a thrilling secret - TikTok harbors a stash of hidden emojis!

These elusive emojis are accessible to everyone, provided they know the tricks of the trade. As your dedicated guide, we are here to unravel these secrets and demonstrate how you can unlock TikTok's hidden emojis to create an impressive and more engaging content.

Why Should You Utilize TikTok's Hidden Emojis?


Simply put, emojis are potent marketing instruments designed to escalate engagement levels.

Incorporating an emoji in a tweet can spike engagement by up to 25%. Integrating emojis in a Facebook post could potentially increase your shares by 33% and interactions by an astounding 57%. Instagram posts laced with emojis can witness a 48% hike in engagement levels.

Given the transformative impact of emojis on other social media platforms, it's safe to infer that they would yield similar results on TikTok, especially when used during optimal times on the platform.

Now, imagine the potential of TikTok's hidden emojis. If standard emojis can enhance engagement significantly, hidden emojis, owing to their rarity, are bound to pique interest and invite more interaction. For instance, using the seldom seen [sparkling_heart] hidden emoji in your TikTok caption instead of the usual one can drastically improve user interaction.

Full List of TikTok Secret Emoji Codes and What They Mean

1. [smile]


The smile TikTok emoji shows a small, round, pink smiling face. It can be used to show happiness, love, or appreciation. Use this secret emoji in a comment to show how much you like someone's video.

  • Shortcode: [smile]
  • Usage: To show happiness, love, or appreciation

2. [happy]


The happy TikTok emoji is similar to the smile emoji but with a larger, more open mouth. It is shown as a peach-colored face with squinty eyes and a big open mouth. Use this secret emoji to show extreme excitement, such as when you're really enjoying a TikTok video.

  • Shortcode: [happy]
  • Usage: To show extreme excitement or enjoyment

3. [angry]


Don't like what you see? Use the angry TikTok emoji to express your displeasure. The angry emoji is shown as a red face with a furrowed brow and stress marking on the upper right side.

  • Shortcode: [angry]
  • Usage: To express displeasure or anger

4. [cry]


We all have our down days. If you're feeling blue, use the crying TikTok secret emoji to show you're sad, upset, or just need a good cry. The crying emoji is shown as a blue face with streaming tears. You can also use this emoji to show extreme joy, like when you see a video of a cute cat or bouncing puppy.

  • Shortcode: [cry]
  • Usage: To express sadness or sorrow

5. [embarrassed]


The embarrassed TikTok secret emoji is perfect for those awkward or cringe moments. It's shown as a teal face with a concerned look and a sweat drop on its right brow. You can use it when you're feeling flustered, uneasy, or just plain old embarrassed.

  • Shortcode: [embarrassed]
  • Usage: To express feeling flustered, uneasy, or embarrassed

6. [surprised]


Ever seen something that makes your jaw drop? That's what the surprised emoji is for. It's a peach face with wide eyes and an open mouth as if it's astonished by something. You can use it when you're genuinely surprised, shocked, or amazed.

  • Shortcode: [surprised]
  • Usage: To express surprise or shock

7. [wronged]


If you're feeling shy, ashamed, or embarrassed, use the wronged emoji to send a message. It's a yellow face with sad eyes and two fingers pointing at each other, as if the emoji is nervously twiddling its fingers.

  • Shortcode: [wronged]
  • Usage: To express being shy, ashamed, or embarrassed

8. [shout]


The shout emoji is perfect when you just need to let it all out. It's shown as a purple face with an open mouth and sharp fangs. Use this TikTok secret emoji to show you're feeling frustrated or just need to vent.

  • Shortcode: [shout]
  • Usage: To express frustration, anger, or evil intentions

9. [flushed]


Talking to your crush can be nerve-wracking, so use the flushed emoji to show how you're feeling. It's a yellow face with cute eyes and blushing cheeks. This TikTok hidden emoji is perfect for those times when you just can't even.

  • Shortcode: [flushed]
  • Usage: To express nerves, embarrassment, or excitement

10. [yummy]


For all those delicious cooking montages, use the yummy emoji. It's a pink face with its tongue out and eyes squinted, giving a thumbs up. This TikTok hidden emoji is perfect for showing you like a piece of content or that you're hungry.

  • Shortcode: [yummy]
  • Usage: To express hunger, love of food, or approval of content

11. [complacent]


The name of this TikTok secret emoji is a bit misleading because we're getting more cool-dude vibes than contentment. It's a blue face with sunglasses and a small smile, looking very chill. Use this TikTok secret emoji for something that is chill, effortless, or cool.

  • Shortcode: [complacent]
  • Usage: To express contentment, relaxation, or coolness

12. [drool]


Let your crush know you're thinking about them by using this TikTok secret emoji. It's a pink face with big heart eyes and a bit of drool falling from its mouth. Use this emoji to show you love a piece of content or to comment on a cute photo or video.

  • Shortcode: [drool]
  • Usage: To express attraction or admiration for someone or something

13. [scream]


For all those horror movie lovers out there, this one's for you. The scream emoji is a blue face with wide eyes and an open mouth, holding the sides of its face. Use this secret emoji to show your reaction to a scary video or tell someone they've shocked you.

  • Shortcode: [scream]
  • Usage: To express fear, horror, or surprise

14. [weep]


The weep emoji is perfect for when you need to show real sadness. It's a light blue face with sad eyes and a tear falling down its face. Use this secret TikTok emoji to show something has upset you or that you're missing out on something.

  • Shortcode: [weep]
  • Usage: To express sadness, sympathy, or grief

15. [speechless]


The speechless emoji is perfect for when you're left without words. It's a teal face looking sideways with a sweat drop on its left temple. Use this TikTok secret emoji to show that you're annoyed, put off, or at a loss for words.

  • Shortcode: [speechless]
  • Usage: To express frustration, annoyance, or disbelief

16. [funnyface]

Funnyface Emoji

The funny face secret TikTok emoji is a pink face winking with its tongue sticking out. This emoji adds a dose of humor to your interactions, making it ideal for when you're feeling playful or looking to lighten the mood.

  • Shortcode: [funnyface]
  • Usage: To express silliness or make a joke

17. [laughwithtears]

LaughWithTears Emoji

Life's funnier when you laugh it out loud, and what better way to express your uncontrollable laughter than with the laugh with tears emoji. This secret TikTok emoji is shown as a pink laughing face with tears coming from its eyes, capturing the essence of a hearty laugh perfectly.

  • Shortcode: [laughwithtears]
  • Usage: When something is really funny

18. [wicked]

Wicked Emoji

Channel your inner mischief with the wicked emoji. This TikTok secret emoji, featuring a purple face with a mischievous grin and horns, is perfect for when you're feeling a bit naughty or planning a playful prank.

  • Shortcode: [wicked]
  • Usage: When you're feeling naughty or up to no good

19. [facewithrollingeyes]

FaceWithRollingEyes Emoji

Need to express your disbelief or annoyance subtly? The face with rolling eyes emoji has got you covered. This hidden TikTok emoji is a pink face rolling its eyes upwards, a universal symbol of annoyance or exasperation.

  • Shortcode: [facewithrollingeyes]
  • Usage: When you're not impressed or think something is ridiculous

20. [sulk]

Sulk Emoji

Every so often, we all have moments when we just can't hide our displeasure. For times like these, the sulk emoji comes in handy. This secret TikTok emoji is shown as a red face with a scrunched-up brow and a big frown, perfectly encapsulating your feelings of annoyance or anger.

  • Shortcode: [sulk]
  • Usage: To show anger or displeasure

21. [thinking]

Thinking Emoji

The thinking emoji, characterized by a yellow face with one hand resting on its chin, is your go-to for expressing a state of deep contemplation or doubt. This secret TikTok emoji is an excellent way to convey that you're engrossed in thought or working on a puzzling problem.

  • Shortcode: [thinking]
  • Usage: When you're thinking or confused about something

22. [lovely]

Lovely Emoji

Spread love and warmth with the lovely emoji. This TikTok secret emoji, showing a pink face giving a big kiss, is perfect for sending a digital kiss to your loved ones or showing your appreciation for someone or something.

  • Shortcode: [lovely]
  • Usage: To show love or appreciation

23. [greedy]

Greedy Emoji

In the mood for some financial humor or expressing your love for money? The

greedy emoji, showcasing a peach-colored face with dollar signs in its eyes and a big smile, is just what you need. Use this TikTok secret emoji when talking about money-making opportunities or sharing your financial goals.

  • Shortcode: [greedy]
  • Usage: When you're feeling greedy or materialistic

24. [wow]

Wow Emoji

Captivate the intensity of your amazement with the wow emoji. This dumpling-shaped TikTok secret emoji, featuring a dumpling with a surprised face, is the ideal way to react to something unexpectedly astonishing or amazing.

  • Shortcode: [wow]
  • Usage: When you're surprised or amazed by something

25. [joyful]

Joyful Emoji

When you're on cloud nine, let the joyful emoji express your happiness. This secret TikTok emoji is shown as a dumpling with a big smile and happy eyes, embodying pure joy and happiness.

  • Shortcode: [joyful]
  • Usage: When you're feeling super happy

26. [hehe]

Hehe Emoji

The hehe secret TikTok emoji is your silent partner for those sneaky giggles or coy smiles. Depicting a dumpling with a small smile and sideways eyes, this emoji is excellent for sharing a light-hearted moment or when you find something amusingly funny.

  • Shortcode: [hehe]
  • Usage: When you find something funny

27. [slap]

Slap Emoji

For those moments when you feel the sting of an insult or harsh words, the slap emoji comes to your rescue. The TikTok secret emoji shows a dumpling with X's for eyes and an open palm mark on its face, perfectly illustrating the aftermath of a verbal slap or insult.

  • Shortcode: [slap]
  • Usage: When someone says something mean or insulting

28. [tears]

Tears Emoji

Sometimes, words fail to capture our emotions, and that's when emojis like the tears emoji come into play. Showcasing a dumpling with two long streams of tears falling from its eyes, this emoji is perfect when you're feeling sad, emotional, or even when you're experiencing tears of joy!

  • Shortcode: [tears]
  • Usage: When you're feeling sad, emotional, or joyful

29. [stun]

Stun Emoji

Surprises and shocks are part and parcel of life, and the stun emoji helps you express just that. This TikTok secret emoji is a dumpling face with scared eyes, an open mouth, and a sweat drop on its right temple, perfect for those moments when you're caught off guard.

  • Shortcode: [stun]
  • Usage: When you're surprised or shocked

30. [cute]

Cute Emoji

When something's too adorable for words, let the cute TikTok secret emoji do the talking. Featuring a dumpling face with big, adorable eyes, it's a perfect reaction to a cute animal video, an endearing moment, or simply when you're feeling irresistibly cute.

  • Shortcode: [cute]
  • Usage: When you're feeling cute or see something that's too adorable for words


The secret TikTok emoji '[blink]' is more like a wink than an actual blink. Use this dumpling emoji when you want to be flirty or see something that's just too good to be true.

  • Shortcode: [blink]
  • Usage: When you're being cheeky, or when you see something funny

32. [disdain]


Annoyed, aggravated, or just plain over it? The disdain dumpling emoji '[disdain]' is for you. Use this TikTok secret emoji when you see something that makes you roll your eyes so hard that they might fall out of your head.

  • Shortcode: [disdain]
  • Usage: When you're annoyed, overworked, or just plain fed up

33. [astonish]


When disdain just won't cut it, use the astonish emoji '[astonish]'. This emoji shows a gray face with an open mouth and furrowed brow. This dumpling is angry! Use it when you can't believe what you're seeing — or when someone really ticks you off.

  • Shortcode: [astonish]
  • Usage: When you really want to shout out loud

34. [rage]


Next up in the lineup of angry TikTok secret emojis is rage '[rage]'. This dumpling emoji is boiling over — it looks like a red face about to explode with anger. Use it when something is so surprising or infuriating that it makes you see red.

  • Shortcode: [rage]
  • Usage: When you can't even deal

35. [cool]


This next emoji is called cool, but we think it's more of an evil cool '[cool]'. It looks like a dumpling face wearing sunglasses with its eyebrows turned down in a slightly menacing way. We think it's perfect for that sassy comment you've been dying to make.

  • Shortcode: [cool]
  • Usage: When you want to be sassy

36. [excited]


This TikTok secret emoji '[excited]' is a literal representation of XD. Use this dumpling emoji when you're excited about something or think something is really funny.

  • Shortcode: [excited]
  • Usage: When something is really funny

37. [proud]


This smug dumpling '[proud]' is for all the know-it-alls. The proud emoji is perfect to use when you just gotta let everyone know that you were right and they were wrong.

  • Shortcode: [proud]
  • Usage: When you want to show off how smart you are

38. [smileface]


The smile face '[smileface]' is a secret TikTok emoji that looks a little suspicious. This wide-eyed dumpling face can be used to playfully point out when someone is being a little bit shady.

  • Shortcode: [smileface]
  • Usage: When you want to call someone out for being shady

39. [evil]


If you're a grumpy little goblin, the evil dumpling '[evil]' is for you. This purple TikTok secret emoji has teeny little fangs and puffy cheeks. Honestly, you kind of want to pinch them.

  • Shortcode: [evil]
  • Usage: When you're feeling evil or grumpy

40. [angel]


The angel emoji '[angel]' is perfect for those moments when you're feeling pure, sweet, and innocent. This little white dumpling face has a halo and a sweet smile, so everyone will know you mean well.

  • Shortcode: [angel]
  • Usage: To show your angelic side, or when you're feeling kind

41. [laugh]


Never be afraid to laugh out loud! The laugh emoji '[laugh]' is a TikTok hidden emoji that you can use to show your joy and amusement. This white dumpling face is laughing so hard, its eyes are closed and tears are streaming down its cheeks.

  • Shortcode: [laugh]
  • Usage: When something is really, really funny

42. [pride]


If you want to pat yourself on the back, use the pride emoji '[pride]'! This dumpling emoji has a kissy mouth and one eyebrow raised to show its indifference. It's sure to get your point across.

  • Shortcode: [pride]
  • Usage: When you're feeling smug or self-satisfied

43. [nap]


Certainly one of the silliest TikTok secret emojis, the nap emoji '[nap]' shows a dumpling face with closed eyes and snot dripping from its nose. Use this to show that you're sleepy or just not in the mood.

  • Shortcode: [nap]
  • Usage: When you're feeling sleepy or uninterested

44. [loveface]


Similar to the [drool] emoji, except with a dumpling face. This TikTok secret emoji '[loveface]' shows a dumpling with giant hearts for eyes. Use it to show that you're head-over-heels in love.

  • Shortcode: [loveface]
  • Usage: When you're in love

45. [awkward]


The awkward emoji '[awkward]' is perfect for those times when you just don't know what to say. It shows a dumpling face with upturned eyes and a sweat drop on its forehead. Use it when you're feeling nervous or uncomfortable.

  • Shortcode: [awkward]
  • Usage: When you're feeling awkward or nervous

46. [shock]


When something comes as a total surprise, use the shock emoji '[shock]'. It shows a blue face with angry eyes and an open mouth. Use it when you're surprised, shocked, or astonished.

  • Shortcode: [shock]
  • Usage: When you're feeling shocked or surprised

How to Unleash TikTok's Hidden Emojis

Curious about discovering the treasure trove of hidden emojis on TikTok? Bear in mind that you won't locate them directly within the platform as they're well, "hidden".

Deploying TikTok's hidden emojis is a straightforward task. With their easy implementation, you can effortlessly infuse your captions and comments with an added dash of appeal using these secret emojis.

To utilize TikTok's hidden emojis, merely input the code for your chosen emoji enclosed in square brackets in the typing bar.

Suppose you wish to add an uncommon smile emoji, you'd type [smile].

Upon hitting the space bar, the text will instantly transform into a small, round, pink smiley face. Yes, it's as simple as that.

Consider an instance where you're a fitness instructor aiming to design a TikTok video to inspire your audience to stick to their exercise regime.

While crafting the caption, you could input the code for the secret [muscle] emoji. This code will morph into a unique muscle emoji, seldom witnessed on the platform, thereby introducing an element of novelty and surprise.

How to Incorporate Emojis in Your TikTok Username

In a sea of usernames, adding an emoji to yours can set you apart and give your profile a unique personality. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your profile by clicking on the "Me" icon at the bottom right of your screen.
  2. Click on the "Edit Profile" button.
  3. Tap on your username field and clear it.
  4. Enter your new username, adding your chosen emoji (regular or secret).
  5. Click "Save".
  6. Voila! You've successfully added an emoji to your TikTok username.

Utilizing TikTok Emojis in Comments

Enriching your comments with emojis can amplify their impact and drive engagement. It's as easy as typing your comment and incorporating the desired emoji. For secret emojis, type the code inside square brackets, hit the space bar, and watch the magic happen. For instance, you could type, "Great job on the workout video! [muscle]".

Decoding the Usage of TikTok's Hidden Emojis

Curious about how to get your hands on these secret emojis on TikTok? To use one of the 46 secret TikTok emojis, you'll need to employ a specific emoji shortcode. We've curated a comprehensive list of these below.

Here's how you can harness the power of TikTok's hidden emojis:

  • Select an emoji from the subsequent list
  • Copy the designated emoji shortcode
  • Paste the shortcode into a TikTok caption or comment
  • Witness as it metamorphoses into a TikTok secret emoji! If you have an emoji that you're particularly fond of, just memorize the shortcode, and you can effortlessly use it on TikTok at any time. Simply type out the code between square brackets. For example:

[TikTok secret emojis shortcode here]

Elevate Your Social Media Marketing Game

Harness the power of these hidden gems on TikTok to take your social media marketing to the next level.

Remember, at CyberTikTok, we offer unparalleled TikTok growth strategies and tools to help you effectively engage your audience and monetize your popularity. Our blogs are packed with more valuable insights and secret hacks to assist you in experiencing exponential TikTok growth. So, keep reading and watch your TikTok engagement reach unprecedented heights!